Archive for March, 2010


March 30, 2010

Just a quick one to let everyone know this will be my last post as I’ve had my first work-out with a trainer and now I’m dead.

Just kidding. But seriously…. ouch!


March 30, 2010

Between my shift at work and our connect group (Bible study) yesterday I wasn’t home long enough to blog. I’m sorry, but it’s here now and that’s what’s important. Keeping up with the chiropractor adjustments and exercises and starting this week the exercises get a bit longer. From 5 to 10 minutes, so not a lot longer, but since the actual stretches don’t get any longer it’s just laying on a neck support….. uh… thingy (and yes, that’s the technical term) longer. But it’s all in the spirit of getting into a more healthy life style. And in that same spirit, my wife and I joined a local gym. And after a mini work-out this evening I am WORN OUT! I got 20 minutes on an exercise bike and almost a minute on an elliptical machine. Yes, that I’m this worn out from that little is quite sad, but please keep in mind that I’m almost 300 lbs. and can’t remember the last time I did anything even remotely like a work-out. Yeah, this is gonna be a huge change and it’s a good thing Amiee and I are doing it together so we can kick each other’s butts if the other doesn’t “feel” like going to do a work-out one day. The plan right now is 3 work-outs a week starting around 5:30 am or so, which is probably going to be the hardest change. Especially if I’m going to be working an open shift right after. And since just working-out won’t do it (get me healthy that is) I need to start eating better (ie: NO MORE WENDY’S!).  This is gonna be a lot of changes over what will be a rather short period of time, no easing into this! It’s time to jump (or in this case run, lift, elliptic, and what not)!

Have a great week dear readers! Next posting should be on time. Till then…..


March 23, 2010


Well, I guess being on time with couldn’t last for too long. Had a work meeting this past Sunday and it kinda threw me off. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it!
Not much of an update this week, but then again, not much of a week. Started getting adjustments to fix my neck and back, which is fun. When I got my neck adjusted for the first time I thought I had died. Not because it hurt, but because that was a lot of noise coming from my neck! I’ve gotten used to it now but it’s still kinda noisy. It’ll all be worth it in the end though.
My musician friend had a birthday this past weekend as well (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO!). And that’s it for this week. Look for another update on Sunday, in the mean time here’s a pic of my lovey wife and our adorable niece (since I’m on my phone and want to see if the updates to the app fixed the giant pic problem)!


March 15, 2010

in a row on time! 😀 Hooray! I seem to be keeping this up rather well. Now that I’ve decided on a certain day to blog each week. It’s been delayed a bit but I should be starting blog #2 soon. I know all you readers are on pins and needles like I am! Wow, I was just got  hit with the powerful urge to get a milk shake, I guess my wife and I will be doing that as soon as I’m done here!

Been a slow week, but I found something out about the management training program for T-Mobile that I’ve been entered into by my manager. As it turns out it’s not as “now-I’m-in-it” cut and dry as I thought. The way it works is there are multiple employees in a market that have had their names put in for the management training program, only a few will actually be selected for the program. In my market it’s likely to be only one, and if I’m selected then I’ll transfer to the store where the training will take place. This could mean a bit of a commute for a little while, but it’ll be worth it in the end! So, please be praying for me in this.

Also, I went to the chiropractor this week for a consultation. Fun times! No crakin’ my back yet though, I only went for x-rays this time. But as the chiropractor is a friend of mine he texted me to let me know that I have a couple of pinched nerves in my back, but it is correctable! I go Monday (tomorrow) for my next visit where we’ll go ove exactly what the x-rays show and the plan to fix the nerves. So, apparently I’m broken but I’ll be fixed (Whoops! That’s Boo, not me who’ll be “fixed” soon! I’ll be repaired!) soon!

That’s all for now! I’ll be talking to you again soon dear readers! Ciao!


March 8, 2010

Hey readers! I’ve made a decision about my new blog! I’ve decided to make another blog devoted to Cellular news! Exciting, ain’t it? This blog and all it’s awesome details will updated every Sunday and will review my week. The cellular blog will be updated on Wednesdays at the very least, with smaller updates with any too-awesome-to-wait new developments in the industry as a whole. My first foray into the world of pseudo-journalism-blogging! But enough of that, now to my week!

Biggest piece of news is the fact that my wife and I may be buying a house “soon.” Here in ‘ole SC there is additional assistance to first time home buyers if your a teacher, an EMT, or one of a hand full of specific trades/jobs. The assistance includes an additional (up to) $7,000.00 towards a down payment and low interest loans. Between that and the $8,000.00 tax credit for first time buyers we’d be crazy not to at least talk to a mortgage broker.

In much cuter news: my niece is walking! Not her first steps, but I got to see her walk this past Friday at the in-laws house where we all met for dinner. It was awesome to see! And to think, she’ll be one year old in April! Seeing her grow has been so amazing! It makes us want one of our own. And sadly no news like that right now.

That’s about it for now! “See” everyone Sunday!


March 4, 2010

There are going to be some changes coming to my blog soon! Worry not dear readers (hi Mom!), THIS blog shall remain unchanged. I will continue to bring you thesizzling details of my life here for you (again, hi Mom!) and anyone else you may show this blog to. The changes mentioned are additional blogs from yours truly! These coming blogs, which SHALL be updated regularly (more on that below!), shall be focused on different topics. I’m not entirely sure what topics I’ll blog about but here are a few of my ideas:

-Cell phones-> it’s what I do

-General technology-> cuz tech is wonderful! And while I won’t own any Apple products myself, it will be free of Apple hate.

-Movies and/or TV-> this would be reviews of movies/shows I enjoy and my opinions on both new movies/shows and movie/TV news (that I follow).

-Comics-> Almost a certainty, my favorite hobby!

-Video games-> Sadly I only own a Wii but I follow news about all platforms.

Please leave any suggestions about what you’d want to hear me blog about (or think I can blog intelligently about) in a comment, Now, as for my “regular” updates, which are surprisingly irregular (maybe if I involved Activia yogurt or something……). I have decided to update different blogs on different days. For instance: Comics blog updated on Mondays, this blog updated on Wednesdays, and my cell phones blog on Fridays. I’ll probably add an additional blog and see how it goes, and if I can keep 2 up move to 3 and so on and so forth. So, yeah…. we’ll see how this goes.

There are a couple of reasons for this. One being that if I can create a schedule this would be a great platform to get my ideas out to the world, and specific topics would make my blog a bit more interesting to the not-directly-related-to-me reader base. I can also start interesting discussions with people I haven’t met (yet)! The second reason being that there is money to make in blogging. Now, having said that it IS NOT a “get rich quick scheme!” All I’m looking to do is make a little extra monies (maybe help fund my comic book addiction). My friend showed me how to attach ads with Google adsense to my blog, every person who clicks on an ad I get some change (hey! It adds up!). As they say, every little bit helps. That said, I will need your help dear readers! First leave a comment suggesting a topic for an additional blog. Second please spread the word about my blogs! The more readers I can reach, the more clicks I can get, the more pennies I can make! And finally, if you do follow my other blogs (as I said this one won’t change….. and I can’t figure out how to integrate Google adsense into a wordpress blog) please, if you remember and more importantly want to, click on a ad. You can close the window right after, all I need is that one click.

Thank you, dear readers (one last time! Hi Mom!), for following my blog! Without you this blog would be….. uh…. well, unread.