Birthday movies

April 26, 2010

So, I finally finished spending my birthday money. In all I got Pan’s Labyrinth and Sherlock Homes on dvd, the third volume of JMS’s run on Thor and finally Avatar this past Thursday. Actually I’m watching with my wife as I write this. A couple of things about the movie and dvd. First, Amiee and I saw it in 3D. That was cool and all but as I watch it in 2D I realize that the 3D added nothing to how great the movie is. Nor, for that matter, did it take away anything in my opinion. Second, the dvd came out on Thursday. This is odd because dvd’s launch on Tuesdays (no biggie, it’s just odd). And thirdly, there are NO special features or extras on the dvd at all. I truly think that Fox did wrong by their customers in their rush to get it out quickly (again, just my opinion)*. But when it all comes down to it it is still an epicly AWESOME movie!
Also, in big news (for me anyways) it looks like I may be getting a new phone soon! Can’t really give out any details right now, but I can say it’ll be running Android 2.1 with HTC’s Sense UI, or at least a version of it! YAY! Hopefully I should get it soon (though, it would never be soon enough for me). But for now my current phone is still awesome!
That’s all for now. Gotta get to bed, 5am comes way too early (we’ll finish Avatar tomorrow). Have a great week everybody!

*I’ve heard that the special features will come out later on a separate disc. I don’t know about you, but I still don’t think it’s cool.

A birthday? A holiday? BOTH, I SAY!

April 19, 2010

Been a pretty boring and ordinary week. With exception, of course, of a certain holiday this past Wednesday. It was everyone’s favorite blogger, your’s truely’s birthday! Yup, 27 years ago (a little more than that now) the world was made brighter and better for I was born into it! A little over the top you say? Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ve decided to make it a national holiday, Debo-day, so even my friends and family can celebrate it with me (even if we don’t live near-by)! That should explain the last post. Sure it’s not celebrated quite like I made it out to be. But hey, it’s my birthday so why can’t I make it a holiday? Seriously thought, it was a good day. I was working for most of it but it was a good day. I got $10 from my Grandmother, $75 from my parents, legions of birthday wishes from my WONDERFUL brothers and sister and all my GREAT friends and Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks for the DS (I’m on a train ya’ll!) from my lovely and wonderful wife. I haven’t gotten to spend all my birthday money yet but I did get Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths DVD (one incredible comic-book animated movie), still trying to figure out what else to get….. que the Jeopardy theme!

<musical interlude>

Nope…. still nothing. Drat. Well, it may be short but I was pretty busy this week with work and that’s about all that happened. My wife and I will actually celebrate my birthday this coming Saturday as we’re both off (which was not the case on Wednesday). OH! WAIT! Boo is doing quite well after getting his stitches out! And……. I guess that’s about it. Come back next Sunday for the next EXCITING episode! Same Debo time! Same Debo channel!

Debo-day ’10

April 15, 2010

Yesterday morning’s quite was broken early as people started celebrating this momentous holiday. All across the world fireworks exploded and people partied. Spending such a joyous day with friends and loved ones is, as with most holidays, a staple. As is having a great time!
Let me drop some knowledge on you dear reader, about the particulars of this awesome holiday (which I’m certain you all celebrate along with myself). First and foremost, silly hats should be worm throughout all festivities. The traditional drink on this great holiday is Dr. Pepper but people have been known to celebrate using a different beverage of their choice (as it’s not a strict tradition). And the traditional food is pizza piled high with various meats (for vegetarians, I guess tofu). Gifts are given on this wondrous day to any Debo the gift giver knows. And by Debo I mean anyone with Debo in their name (I guess nicknames can count). Games are played together, multiplayer for video games (as this is a holiday not to be celebrated alone). It is tradition, however, to at one point to play a round or two of othello with a good friend!
I had a great Debo-day myself, and hope you dear reader enjoyed celebrating Debo-day as much as I did! Now to start the anticipation for Debo-day ’11!

PARTY WEEK!!!!!!!!!

April 12, 2010

So a new week of losing the waist line (AND lbs.-s!) is over. And let me say, my pants fit a little better! We’re still sore after each work out, as we should be! If it doesn’t hurt then we aren’t doing it right. I’m just glad that the days of blinding joint and muscle pain, where we wonder if we’ll ever move properly again, are over (at least for now). No visible progress yet, but this isn’t a quick fix! This is a lifestyle change, a process, that over time will lead to a healthier blogger and his wife!

Other than the gym my wife and I have had a crazy week! Starting with no chiropractor this week as he is on vacation. It’s left us a bit more tired than normal. And with or friends getting married yesterday followed directly after by our niece’s first birthday party (which should explain the pictures below!), we were wiped out! The whole week culminated into one exhausting day on Saturday. It started early, helping my lovely wife get ready to leave early with the bride and fellow bride’s maid. Then, after cleaning out her car (so I could shuttle guests, which wasn’t needed anyways) I headed towards the venue myself. The wedding was absolutely beautiful! It was held out doors at a friend of the groom’s house, in the back-yard next to a brook. The weather also held up so wonderfully, it was sunny and about the mid-80’s which isn’t too bad for the area and time of the year (admittedly, WAY too hot for me). After Amiee and I stayed and helped clean up  it was right off to Ainsley’s 1st birthday party! It was so much fun to see her destroy the cake (after a little “encouragement”)! And she loved the gifts (or at least the wrapping paper). Then, home and we collapsed in bed!

And on one last DISGUSTING note, I just saw a commercial for the KFC Double Down chicken sandwich. I won’t explain here, just look it up and revel in the disgustingness.

Well, that’s all for now wonderful readers! I’ll talk to you next Sunday (after Boo gets his stitches out on Friday)!

She finished playing with her cake and was "asking" when was presents

Ainsley finding she got cake everywhere!

Work-outs and (max)iPads!

April 6, 2010

First, a refresher! as you should know by now (and if not, Shame on you!)  my wife, Amiee, and I have decided to get healthier. To that effect we have joined a local gym. Our plan is to go three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) early in the morning. By early I mean 5:30, which comes twice a day. Who knew?! That part didn’t work too well this morning as neither of us slept well AT ALL! So, today instead of going early we went after we got off work today. Man, was that a mistake! The gym was WAY crowded and neither of us like a crowded gym at all. Having to wait for all the machines and the shower after made for a less enjoyable trip to the gym this evening. Oh well, now we know from experience why we want to go to the gym early when we go.

We’ve gotten through our first week, and WOW! That was ruff! I’m really hoping we’re past all the pain. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to walk normally ever again. I can certainly feel my muscles (some of which I had no idea I had) after this last work-out today but they don’t hurt like they did last week. I’m really looking forward to more work-outs! Getting started on this was much more enjoyable and painful than I thought! YAY, FOR MY NOT BEING A FAT SLOB ANYMORE!

And in other news! I’m dropping off Boo with the vet tomorrow. We’re getting him fixed. Soon we won’t have to worry about “little Boos” any more! Happy face! And because I can’t NOT mention it, the iPad launched this past Saturday. And the under-powered giant iPod Touch sold 300,000 units launch day. Enough to be considered a success for Apple, but few enough to wonder if Apple thinks it’s a success “behind closed doors.” Especially considering it’s only slightly more than the original iPhone (250,000 units) and vastly less than the iPhone 3G and 3GS (1 million units each). I only hope that these sales figures will make Apple realize that they need to do more than just blow-up an iPod Touch and expect it to be a run away hit. Any innovation would be an improvement, or they could just put an iPad 2.0 out next year and make it what it should have been originally.  Either way, improvements are needed for those that have already bought it. And by improvements I really am mostly referring multitasking. Who knows, that could be announced as part of the 4.0 update being shown off on Thursday.

Well, that’s about all for now! I have a whiny puppy to tend to!

Real quick

April 5, 2010

Just a quick post to say that the FULL post will be up tomorrow, after our first work-out sans trainer!

Talk to you then!


March 30, 2010

Just a quick one to let everyone know this will be my last post as I’ve had my first work-out with a trainer and now I’m dead.

Just kidding. But seriously…. ouch!


March 30, 2010

Between my shift at work and our connect group (Bible study) yesterday I wasn’t home long enough to blog. I’m sorry, but it’s here now and that’s what’s important. Keeping up with the chiropractor adjustments and exercises and starting this week the exercises get a bit longer. From 5 to 10 minutes, so not a lot longer, but since the actual stretches don’t get any longer it’s just laying on a neck support….. uh… thingy (and yes, that’s the technical term) longer. But it’s all in the spirit of getting into a more healthy life style. And in that same spirit, my wife and I joined a local gym. And after a mini work-out this evening I am WORN OUT! I got 20 minutes on an exercise bike and almost a minute on an elliptical machine. Yes, that I’m this worn out from that little is quite sad, but please keep in mind that I’m almost 300 lbs. and can’t remember the last time I did anything even remotely like a work-out. Yeah, this is gonna be a huge change and it’s a good thing Amiee and I are doing it together so we can kick each other’s butts if the other doesn’t “feel” like going to do a work-out one day. The plan right now is 3 work-outs a week starting around 5:30 am or so, which is probably going to be the hardest change. Especially if I’m going to be working an open shift right after. And since just working-out won’t do it (get me healthy that is) I need to start eating better (ie: NO MORE WENDY’S!).  This is gonna be a lot of changes over what will be a rather short period of time, no easing into this! It’s time to jump (or in this case run, lift, elliptic, and what not)!

Have a great week dear readers! Next posting should be on time. Till then…..


March 23, 2010


Well, I guess being on time with couldn’t last for too long. Had a work meeting this past Sunday and it kinda threw me off. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it!
Not much of an update this week, but then again, not much of a week. Started getting adjustments to fix my neck and back, which is fun. When I got my neck adjusted for the first time I thought I had died. Not because it hurt, but because that was a lot of noise coming from my neck! I’ve gotten used to it now but it’s still kinda noisy. It’ll all be worth it in the end though.
My musician friend had a birthday this past weekend as well (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO!). And that’s it for this week. Look for another update on Sunday, in the mean time here’s a pic of my lovey wife and our adorable niece (since I’m on my phone and want to see if the updates to the app fixed the giant pic problem)!


March 15, 2010

in a row on time! 😀 Hooray! I seem to be keeping this up rather well. Now that I’ve decided on a certain day to blog each week. It’s been delayed a bit but I should be starting blog #2 soon. I know all you readers are on pins and needles like I am! Wow, I was just got  hit with the powerful urge to get a milk shake, I guess my wife and I will be doing that as soon as I’m done here!

Been a slow week, but I found something out about the management training program for T-Mobile that I’ve been entered into by my manager. As it turns out it’s not as “now-I’m-in-it” cut and dry as I thought. The way it works is there are multiple employees in a market that have had their names put in for the management training program, only a few will actually be selected for the program. In my market it’s likely to be only one, and if I’m selected then I’ll transfer to the store where the training will take place. This could mean a bit of a commute for a little while, but it’ll be worth it in the end! So, please be praying for me in this.

Also, I went to the chiropractor this week for a consultation. Fun times! No crakin’ my back yet though, I only went for x-rays this time. But as the chiropractor is a friend of mine he texted me to let me know that I have a couple of pinched nerves in my back, but it is correctable! I go Monday (tomorrow) for my next visit where we’ll go ove exactly what the x-rays show and the plan to fix the nerves. So, apparently I’m broken but I’ll be fixed (Whoops! That’s Boo, not me who’ll be “fixed” soon! I’ll be repaired!) soon!

That’s all for now! I’ll be talking to you again soon dear readers! Ciao!