Posts Tagged ‘Mary Debo the EPIC’

Not dead

August 16, 2010




No, really! I’m not. I just get kinda busy. But I’m back, and that is what matters.
Mary and Nina were here last week and it was SO awesome to have one of my epic (yes, epic) siblings here to hang out with. Relaxing was the name of the game, and it was wonderful! I got to show Mary and Nina all the places that Amiee and I hang out. We also visited our Grandmother (we call her Nanny) and our uncle Glenn in NC, which is always fun. I’m not gonna lie, we dropped them off at the airport way too early for me. It’s always hard to say bye to my family because I see them infrequently. Anyways, I’ll see them, hopefully, sooner versus later. And to share the fun I’ve added some pictures from the trip.
Also, Amiee and I went out on Saturday for a date night. Olive Garden followed by a movie. The movie was Scott Pilgrim vs the World and it was so great! I found out a couple of weeks before the movie released that it was based, some what loosely at time, on a comic book series. I got the first 2 volumes (there are 6 in total) before seeing it, and that got me even more psyched to see the movie! The movie did a great job at condensing 6 books into 1 movie (Take notes M. Night! This is how it’s done!).
That’s about all I got right now. My life is still mostly just work for the time being. Till next time dear reader!