Posts Tagged ‘Renting’

Guess we’re staying

June 14, 2010

After a bit of a hiatious I’m back. There was some things a-happenin’! We were looking at possibly moving to a new place. It was a house for rent in Anderson, SC. The pictures of the outside looked great! A few days after I went by to look at the outside, Amiee and I got to look at the inside and, well…. we’re staying were we are now. The inside was awful! The floor were horribly bowed and the kitchen was little more than a closet with appliances. We’ll be looking at another location, but chances are we probably will stay here. Not that it’s a bad thing, we like our apartment, we were just looking for a house versus an apartment. We’d love to have a yard for our little Boo to run around in.
We’ve cut back a bit on our tv recordings (easy, since it’s summer and most shows are on break) because we watch too much. Oddly enough, and proof that tv CAN be educational, we’ve found a great show called “It’s Me or the Dog.” It’s kinda like Super Nanny for dogs, and Amiee and I have been learning a lot about being proper puppy parents! Some things that we (I) do are very wrong! But we’re learning now and correcting OUR bad behavior so we can correct his bad behavior and be a happier family.
And OH! The excitment for me this week! E3 starts tomorrow! Gaming news galore! All sorts of expectations and pre-E3 annoucments! New Nintendo handheld, the 3DS! New Legend of Zelda revealed (as promised by Nintendo last year)! Actual name of Microsoft’s Project Natal! More video from Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty! And MORE on top of that! *whew* I’m kinda hyperventalating. Well, Microsoft’s conference is tomorrow then Nintendo the morning after and Sony after that. I may do a mid-week update about E3 (cuz I’m a power-dork and to make up for the lateness of updates). Either way, till next time dear readers!